Sunday, November 8, 2009

Another week gone by. . .

OK I haven't blogged in a week I woke up with the beginning of a head cold Monday morning and have been fighting it all week, it never turned into much thank goodness. Yesterday was another crazy day! Wyatt had robotics workshops all day at his school and I was suppose to sit in classes and make sure there were no chairs flying across the room or other destruction. . . RIGHT! Are you kidding me there was a teacher and several adults and high school students in each class. I went into a workshop, late because Wyatt had an orthodontist appointment, the instructor says to me " Are you taking this workshop?" I told him no I was just checking and he started taking about things I had no idea about. . . ugggggg! I decided I would leave the school and go shopping. So I ran to my car went to buy things for my class and then went to the mall, AHHHHHH much better, I understand this.
After I got home I had to get ready for a surprise party Deidra planned a party for Kristen at AJ's house and it was a lot of fun. I am so glad it is Sunday and all I have to do it laundry, clean, mop floors and try to plan what I am gonna bring to Maine Thursday.

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