Sunday, February 21, 2010

Ever had one of those days?

. . .well that is how my day was on Friday. I went to the hospital to visit Lou after I got done work, should have filled my gas tank it was thirsty. I figured I was heading home and not leaving until the next morning, she could wait until then. After being home for an hour and a half, feeding the family and starting a new crochet project I get a call from the hospital. I throw on my flip flops and head out the door. The parking lot at the hospital is crazy full so I have to park way out behind the emergency entrance. Lou is very upset about having to have an MRI in the morning, I get her calmed down and explain to her that she will not be given any of the dye she is allergic to. After 2 hours of calming her down I finally am free to leave the hospital.
WOW! it is pouring not raining but down pouring so hard! I wait for like 5 mins and there is no sign of it letting up so I decide to tuck my purse under my arm pit and make a run for it. . . yes I forgot I was wearing flip flops. Of course I slip and fall flat on my booty in a big puddle. I start laughing because what was I suppose to do? I get up and walk slipping in my red checked flip flops. I finally find my car and get inside on my very wet behind. OH yes, I just noticed my very empty gas gage, can I make it home, I am so tired and very wet. I went for it and yes I made it home and into a very hot shower. I hope your Friday was better than mine.

1 comment:

Gloria King said...

Those days suck...big time...well i am totaly broken out in hives at this moment even after taking two benadrylls and its only my face ...I googled it and it way not stress not me...I get it sweets and thanks for sharing