Friday, January 9, 2009

Thing I bet you don't know . . .

35 things about me I bet you didn't know

1. I love dark chocolate
2. I want to ride a bull
3. I love Soy lattes at 140 degrees
4. My friends really motivate me
5. I am super loyal
6. I am great at keeping secrets
7. I miss my family back East
8.I am a big procrastinator
9. I only swim in the ocean if the temp is 70 degrees
10. I love getting up and going to work
11. I love organized clutter
12. I would love to own a bakery
13. I love to read, especially biography's
14. I love to shop
15. I have lost 50 pounds and still have 25 to go
16. I love to go to the rodeo
17. I love to camp in a tent
18. I want to join toast masters
19. I wish I could do more volunteer work
20. I want to learn to ride a uni cycle
21. I love to get dress up and go out for girls night out
22. I love my jeans
23. I am so not a computer person
24. I love frogs
25. I am not good at laundry
26. I am secretly beginning to like exercise
27. I like all types of music
28. I think I can sing ~ sounds great in the shower
29. I want to go back to school to get my masters in Early Childhood Education
30. I am obsessed with taking pictures
31. I am pretty selfish
32. I am a true blue friend
33. I always try to do the right thing
34. I use to want to be a nun
35. I can't read a map

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