Sunday, August 16, 2009

Crazy few daze

Rest in peace Joseph Michael Fowler

Wyatt and I had a very long trip back from the east coast Wednesday. We flew from Portland, Maine to Cleveland, OH as we were getting ready to board the plane 10 TSA agents stormed the gate and would not let anyone get near the walk way until they checked each and every bag, and person, including pockets. The lady checking Wyatt and I said she was looking for fluids. We get onto out plane and fly to Texas, after being stuck for an extra 45 minutes in the sky because the airport was closed due to bad weather. Once we landed we were delayed for an extra hour and a half. Finally we go home at 1:00am.

I wake up at 5:00am Cali time only to find out a few hours later that Bill's brother is at his daughters house with hospice and is dying. Jeanne and I race up to Thousand oaks, 3 hours away. We stayed all night and Joe passed away at 1:30 am Friday Morning. I think I went to bed after 3:30 am and was wide awake at 5:30 am. At 7:45 Jeanne was awake and ready to drive back home.

The ride home was pretty slow because of traffic. We stopped in Santa Monica and ate breakfast then we stopped at El Toro Rd because I needed coffee, my lack of sleep was catching up with me. I come out of the coffee store and cannot see Jeanne. When I do see her she is talking with an older gentleman I get to her and she is all excited because she found my cell phone. Sorry not mine, I take it back into the restaurant she found it in and we get back to the car only for her to discover she has lost her purse. Running back to the bathroom in the restaurant her purse is not there. I see it under the counter I get her purse and we finally got back to out house at 4:00pm. Long days and crazy return to Cali.

I wish I were still on vacation, it was much more relaxing and so peaceful! Ahhhh vacation I think I might have to get away before school begins.

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